Solo street performance `Me, Bergson, and my mom`

PostPlay Theatre, 2020

When I was 1.5 years old, I was left alone in the room. My mother left as many toys circled around me as she came back at home exactly when I had finished my games. And also in this room was a telephone. This time seemed an eternity for me. Or…the time, in the words of Henri Bergson, was subjectivized to the level of conscious experience.

I was stuck in this room in my memories and I was scared to be here alone forever. In the performance I tried to recreate this situation, but, firstly, to put it out of claustrophobic closed space the public space and, secondly, to choose — because now as an adult I have such an opportunity — the course of events.

I used time and the pain of the memory as a force to perform. Old telephones were my partners during the performance: I tied them and made a sacred circle, then broke this connection as an umbilical cord, stood by watching the interaction of the public with them, and finally, realized that I will have these memories forever, called my mom.